Environment: 176 of 177

Improving the safety record

Improving the safety record

Mine Site Technologies reports on some of the practical considerations affecting the adoption of safety

25 April 2014

Cracking down on bribery

Cracking down on bribery

Richard Obank and John Gollaglee look at recent trends and shifts in the regulatory market regarding

25 April 2014

Engineering a culture of safety

Engineering a culture of safety

Shaun Kenny, president of Bechtel Mining & Metals, reviews some of the companys biggest projects and

26 March 2014

Economics of comfort

Economics of comfort

By providing quality room and board to workers, mining companies give themselves a competitive edge,

19 March 2014

FIFO: time for a rethink

FIFO: time for a rethink

A new report from Stratum International has highlighted the need for change at FIFO operations. MM looks

05 March 2014

ECS delivers mineshaft cover to Daw Mill

ECS delivers mineshaft cover to Daw Mill

ECS Engineering Services is supplying a specially-engineered cover plate to the Daw Mill colliery in

28 February 2014

Being mindful of mental health

Being mindful of mental health

Steve Stokes of South Pacific Private explains why the mental health of a mines workforce should be high

21 February 2014

A safety state of mind

A safety state of mind

Experts at Modular Mining Systems discuss how creating an environment that encourages adherence to operating

21 February 2014


Mine tailings: Technology and Risk

WSP speaks with Mining Journal, Mining Magazine and Australia's Mining Monthly


Transformational Tailings Solutions from Weir

Mining Journal, Mining Magazine and Australia’s Mining Monthly speaks with Weir.


Weir's transformational tailings flowsheets

Weir has developed a range of transformational flowsheets for tailings management

A growing series of reports, each focused on a key discussion point for the mining sector, brought to you by the Mining Magazine Intelligence team.

A growing series of reports, each focused on a key discussion point for the mining sector, brought to you by the Mining Magazine Intelligence team.


Mining Magazine Intelligence Exploration Report 2024 (feat. Opaxe data)

A comprehensive review of exploration trends and technologies, highlighting the best intercepts and discoveries and the latest initial resource estimates.


Mining Magazine Intelligence Future Fleets Report 2024

The report paints a picture of the equipment landscape and includes detailed profiles of mines that are employing these fleets


Mining Magazine Intelligence Digitalisation Report 2023

An in-depth review of operations that use digitalisation technology to drive improvements across all areas of mining production


Mining Magazine Intelligence Automation Report 2023

An in-depth review of operations using autonomous solutions in every region and sector, including analysis of the factors driving investment decisions