Epiroc: 25 of 25

Canada's first Epiroc Boomer S2 C digs in

Canada's first Epiroc Boomer S2 C digs in

Eldorado Gold's Lamaque mine put the unit online last month

19 February 2018

Exploration Manager simplifies the workflow by letting the operator log what activity state the drill rig is in

Epiroc launches Exploration Manager

Epiroc has launched Exploration Manager, a new drilling and operational analysing tool

12 February 2018

The team at Hy-Performance Fluid Power

Atlas Copco acquisitions continue

Atlas Copco is to acquire the assets of Hy-Performance Fluid Power, and has closed other acquisitions

10 January 2018

The Mobile Miner 22H arrived at the Anglo Platinum-run Twickenham mine in South Africa in 2016

Hard rock revolution

Ailbhe Goodbody visited the Twickenham mine to see the Atlas Copco Mobile Miner 22H

08 December 2017

Renegade Drilling’s core barrels

Atlas Copco buys two equipment companies

Atlas Copco is acquiring Renegade Drilling Supplies and Cate Drilling Solutions

04 December 2017

Atlas Copco opens Ohio facility

Atlas Copco opens Ohio facility

Atlas Copco Hydraulic Attachment Center has opened in Ohio, US

01 November 2017

Atlas Copco's ST7 battery powered LHD

2018: the year of electric vehicles

Details are starting to emerge for Atlas Copco spin-off company, Epiroc

15 September 2017

Atlas Copco mining business named Epiroc

Atlas Copco mining business named Epiroc

Atlas Copco's mining and civil engineering spin-out company will be called Epiroc

12 May 2017


Mine tailings: Technology and Risk

WSP speaks with Mining Journal, Mining Magazine and Australia's Mining Monthly


Transformational Tailings Solutions from Weir

Mining Journal, Mining Magazine and Australia’s Mining Monthly speaks with Weir.


Weir's transformational tailings flowsheets

Weir has developed a range of transformational flowsheets for tailings management

A growing series of reports, each focused on a key discussion point for the mining sector, brought to you by the Mining Magazine Intelligence team.

A growing series of reports, each focused on a key discussion point for the mining sector, brought to you by the Mining Magazine Intelligence team.


Mining Magazine Intelligence Exploration Report 2024 (feat. Opaxe data)

A comprehensive review of exploration trends and technologies, highlighting the best intercepts and discoveries and the latest initial resource estimates.


Mining Magazine Intelligence Future Fleets Report 2024

The report paints a picture of the equipment landscape and includes detailed profiles of mines that are employing these fleets


Mining Magazine Intelligence Digitalisation Report 2023

An in-depth review of operations that use digitalisation technology to drive improvements across all areas of mining production


Mining Magazine Intelligence Automation Report 2023

An in-depth review of operations using autonomous solutions in every region and sector, including analysis of the factors driving investment decisions